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Get the best eye care for your family

The products featured at VISIONOPOLiS have been carefully handpicked From designers and suppliers around the world! Only the best in technical excellence, quality and design make it to our shelves!!

Our Products 

 "Empowering you to proactively manage and prevent the progression of myopia for clearer vision and healthier eyes."

Myopia Control

"Elevate your vision with specialty contact lenses tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle."

Specialty Contacts Lenses

 "Experience clarity and comfort with specialty spectacle lenses crafted to enhance your vision and lifestyle."

Specialty Spectacles Lenses

"Elevate your style and comfort with our curated collection of specialty frames designed to complement your unique personality and visual needs."

Specialty Frames


Our products are specialized to personal needs.

Tel. +9147048400 Gariahat Centre, 29, Hindusthan Road, Kolkata 700029

Tel. +9147048403 DumDum Centre | Club Town Estate, Kolkata 700074

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