What Glaucoma simply means:
A clear fluid flows through the anterior segment at the front of the eye nursing tissues , at the open angle where the cornea and the iris(colored part) are attached a meshwork and leave the eye . But if it passes through too slowly , pressure inside the eye rises to a level that damage the optic nerve, resulting in vison loss due to open- angle-glaucoma.
If vision loss is untreated, it gradually loss of side vision and eventually total vision loss.
Symptoms of glaucoma begins slowly which is why it is also called “thief of sight”.
Who is at risk of getting glaucoma?
If you have such kinds of risk factors, then you’ll definitely go for a screening test glaucoma screening:
➢ Age – With increasing age the risk are also increased.
➢ Ethnicity - People of Asian or Hispanic descent are more likely to develop glaucoma and at an earlier age.
➢ Gender – Female are more affected then male.
➢ Family History – If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, strongly encourage your family members to get complete eye exams. Because it can be genetic disease also.
➢ Systemic conditions- Some condition like High blood pressure, diabetes, vessels abnormality.
➢ Eye conditions - Certain eye conditions including high fluid pressure in the eye, Myopia, hypermetropia can damage the optic nerve center increase your risk of glaucoma.
➢ Eye injuries or surgeries – Blunt trauma, multiple eye surgeries, and even medical treatments like long term immune suppressor drug.
How often should get screened?
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the following:
Age 20-29: Those with a family history of glaucoma or of an at-risk have an examination every 3 to 5 years.
Age 30-39: If any family member is suffering from glaucoma, then these age group of individuals may need screening. examination every two to four years.
Age 40-64: Everyone should get an eye exam every two to four years.
Age 65+: Even a normal individual are advised to screen his or her eyes once in a year.
Symptoms to for a screening:
Initially glaucoma is asymptomatic, some symptoms are noticed when disease is already
progressed, like:-
1. If you have such medical conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes, etc.
2. If you have any previous history of eye injury.
Why Early Glaucoma Screening is Essential:
As the symptoms are not noticeable earlier, most of the people not knowing about their side loss of vision. You are free from irreversible vision loss if you diagnosed earlier and treat earlier.
How Routine Screening is performed by Eye Care Practitioner:
Tonometer: This instrument is use to detect the pressure of the eyeball.
Ophthalmoscopy: This examination helps the examiner look at the optic nerve for any signs of damage or abnormalities, which might indicate the possible presence of glaucoma.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): OCT represents an advanced imaging technique that can help provide detailed views of the optic nerve and retina. It is helpful to identify the alternation of the structure of eyeball.
Perimetry: Perimetry is use to detect the side vision loss. For early detection of glaucoma.
The Prerequisites For Fallow up season:
In every follow up the practitioner will check the vision and pressure inside the eye. Usually, at least once in a year you have to check functional work of your optic nerve.
https://www.130eye.com/how-routine-screenings-can-help-detect-and-manage glaucoma
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