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Myopia or Nearsightedness among urban children in India rose from 4% to 25% in 20 years, set to surpass 40% by 2040. Without corrective measures, risks abound, retinal detachment, glaucoma, and career hurdles. Act now for their sight and future! Timely intervention is crucial for their future.

Blurry Blue

Is your Child's Vision at Risk

Myopia, or short-sightedness, occurs when the eyeball is elongated, or the lenses/cornea are too thick.

Genetic predisposition increases risk; children of myopic parents are more likely to develop myopia.

Close work habits, screen time, and lack of natural light contribute to myopia development and progression.

Myopia Pandemic in India
Kids Vision problems

VISIONOPOLiS adopts proactive measures encompassing education, lifestyle changes, and specialized services utilizing the latest advancements in optical aids and eye drops. Our expert team of optometrists and ophthalmologists provide personalized myopia control solutions tailored to the individual needs of your child.

The risk of Sight-threatening eye diseases like myopic maculopathy, retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts increases with myopia severity. Low myopia has slightly elevated risks, moderate myopia significantly higher risks, and high myopia carries very high risks due to eye elongation, retinal thinning, and vascular changes

early onset cataracts, retinal detachments, glaucoma, and crossed eyes associated with Myopia
Family Myopia Risk

Myopia, or Short-Sightedness, occurs when the eyeball is elongated, or the lenses/cornea are too thick.

Genetic predisposition increases risk; children of myopic parents are more likely to develop myopia.

Close work habits, screen time, and lack of natural light contribute to myopia development and progression.

Concerned about your child's vision?
Look out for the signs of progressive myopia.

Myopia-controlling soft contact lenses are designed to slow the progression of nearsightedness. These lenses use peripheral defocus technology, which directs central vision directly onto the retina for clear distance vision, while the peripheral portion intentionally focuses light in front of the retina. This technique provides a signal that slows the growth of the eye, effectively reducing the rate of prescription changes. These lenses offer a comfortable and effective solution for managing myopia in children


Ortho-K lenses, worn while sleeping, gently reshape the cornea to correct myopia. Tailored for each patient, they ensure clear vision throughout the day by flattening the cornea. This peripheral defocus effect helps slow down myopia progression in children, akin to glasses and soft contact lenses. They offer a non-surgical, comfortable alternative, granting freedom from glasses or contact lenses during the day, particularly beneficial for active youngsters seeking hassle-free vision correction


Lens companies have unveiled cutting-edge designs to tackle childhood myopia, with notable brands like Zeiss MyoCare, Essilor Stellest, and Hoya MiyoSmart, backed by evidence of reducing myopia progression. At VISIONOPOLIS, we leverage advanced diagnostics , clinical acumen to identify the optimal lens and specialised kids frames to custmise the right Myopia Glasses for your Child. Our commitment lies in providing tailored solutions for effective myopia control, ensuring your child's visual health and long-term well-being


For over a century, low dose atropine has been integral to eye care, aiding in internal eye examination and treating various conditions. In myopia control, researchers found that diluted atropine (1/20th normal concentration) can reduce myopia progression by 40–60%. Administered once nightly, these drops offer a promising strategy to slow myopia advancement, showcasing a significant advancement in Myopia treatment. Results of combining it with other therapies have shown better results in controlling Myopia 


Myopia Control Treatment Options

Tel. +9147048400 Gariahat Centre, 29, Hindusthan Road, Kolkata 700029

Tel. +9147048403 DumDum Centre | Club Town Estate, Kolkata 700074

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Frequent Squinting

children with progressive myopia often squint to see distant objects clearly. If you notice your child squinting regularly, especially when looking at distant objects like street signs or the whiteboard at school, it could be a sign of myopia.

Difficulty Seeing Distant Objects Clearly

Children may complain of difficulty seeing things far away, such as the chalkboard in the classroom or television across the room.

Sitting Close to the TV or Screen

If your child consistently sits very close to the television, computer screen, or holds books and devices very close to their face, it could indicate they are trying to compensate for nearsightedness.

Frequent Rubbing of Eyes

Children with progressive myopia may rub their eyes frequently, especially after focusing on distant objects for an extended period. This can be due to eye strain.

Frequent Headaches or Eye Strain

Complaints of headaches, particularly around the forehead or temples, or general eye strain, especially after activities that require focusing on distant objects, may suggest myopia.

Changes in Academic Performance

If your child's academic performance drops suddenly or they struggle to see the board at school, it could be due to vision problems like myopia.

Avoidance of Activities requiring Good Vision

Children with progressive myopia may avoid activities like playing sports or outdoor games that require good distance vision because they find it difficult to see clearly.

Family History

If there's a family history of myopia, children are at a higher risk of developing it themselves. Parents should be especially vigilant in monitoring their child's vision if myopia runs in the family.

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